Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Good morning :)

I've been baking more recently.  It's so nice in the fall to have fresh quick breads for breakfast or homemade cookies in the oven after school.    (Note: in any quick bread recipe, you can replace the oil or butter with applesauce.  Really lowers the fat and still tastes great)    I pulled out the cake pedestal/cover that we got as a wedding gift 13 years ago and have been using it to hold our baked goods.   Looks so much prettier and makes whatever it holds seem special.  It's no more trouble than a plate or cookie jar, but makes the display a little more fun.   (chocolate chip cookie bars are pictured)

Here is one of our favorite recent recipes:
(I used the applesauce substitution)

I put some in the oven the other night after everyone was in bed, so they woke up to the smell of pumpkin and a nice breakfast treat.   Try it!   And don't have to make a big breakfast the next day. :)

1 comment:

Sara Sampson said...

Jennifer, thanks for the recipe.
One of my favorites is pumpkin bread. I'm going to make some and bring into the office to share with my co-workers. I do so like the cake pedestal for storing baked goods.