Happy Sunday. :)
We stayed home from church this morning and had a lazy morning at home. Nice to do that once in a while.
Noah and David are going to see How To Eat Fried Worms this afternoon. Barf.
Not me!
I'll let that be a father/son bonding thing. :) (although a layout will be in order)
We spent the evening yesterday swimming with Grandma and a bunch of cousins. Was fun! Here is one of the shots I got of Noah while he was swimming. I do well with outdoor photos, I think.
I need lots of work on indoor pics.
I made migas this morning for breakfast. YUM. :) (follow the link for the recipe, scrolling down to April 17th)
Going to work on a Christmas project today for WRMK. Then I need to work on the class kits for the retreat. I only have 1.5 hours to teach the class, so I'll need to do most of the paper cutting and prep for the students. I enjoy that, though. Good excuse to watch all of my TIVO'ed episodes of Mama's Family. (yes, I admit that!)
Prayers for all of those in the path of Hurricane Ernesto. It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since Hurricane Katrina. I've been watching a lot of news coverage and special programming all about Katrina. I'm drawn to the personal stories and seeing how people have overcome their circumstances from last year. I have two friends who lost absolutely everything in Katrina. Everything except their families, thank God.
God bless you this week!
- Jennifer
"No one enjoys feeling weak, whether it is emotionally, spiritually or physically. There is something within the human spirit that wants to resist the thought of weakness. Many times this is nothing more than our human pride at work. Just as weakness carries a great potential for strength, pride carries an equally great potential for defeat. " - Charles Stanley
Love that pic of Noah! Looks like he had a great time.
Not sure who here is going to bite the bullet and take the kids to that movie! Hmmmm . . .wonder if an extended family member might want some time with the kids! {vbg}
Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing weekend. I'm w/you, I like my outdoor shots (see the layout on my blog of my boys by our pool!) but my indoors leave much to be desired!! Maybe we could find a good photography class around these parts to take??
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