I am not a gardener. I love flowers, love to look at them, smell them, have them in my yard....but I'm not much for pulling weeds, crawling around in the dirt, all that jazz. :) But you know, the flowers don't just magically appear in your flowerbed.... So this morning I planted two flats of easy to care for flowers (impatiens and dahlias). I also have two potted Hibiscus plants on the porch corners...easy. I love pink and orange flowers, so lots of pink and orange with a little white (and Noah's 3 red and yellow flowers) :) mixed in. I think this is what I love most about our home...the backyard. It's really beautiful and was probably the biggest selling point when we bought this home almost 3 years ago. Noah needed a yard to play in and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. We spend a lot of time out here with family and friends, although Noah still thinks it's more fun to go to Toys R Us and play on the filthy plastic playscape there. Ok... :)
To Do List:
1. Fill plastic eggs with candy for Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon.
2. Vacuum the house.
3. Color Easter eggs.
4. Boil those eggs first. :)
5. Finish changes in scrap area. (yes, I did...again...I'll post pics soon)
6. Finish laundry. Worst chore EVER because it's so obvious when you don't do it. Dusting, not so much. Laundry...obvious piles.
We are going to see The Incredibles on Ice this weekend. That should be fun! I just hope I can keep Noah away from the "I want that!!" tables. You know, the $30 t-shirts, the flashing plastic swords and spinning balls that shoot electricity...that stuff. As if the tickets didn't cost enough. :)

What a blessed, joyous time of year this is. Celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus! Easter is my 2nd favorite holiday (next to Christmas) and I love remembering each year the sacrifice of God's only son for us. The greatest gift of all, given just for us...me and you. I can't imagine my life without my relationship with Jesus. Take a moment to look at this... :)
(click on Open your E-card)
I will sometimes share a recipe at the end of my blog, so today I want to share this special Easter Cookies recipe. You need to start them on Saturday, the day before Easter. :)
Have a wonderful, sugar-filled, brightly-colored Easter! :) Don't forget to take lots of good pictures, especially of the Easter outfits, Easter grass, colored eggs, Peeps, and chocolate!
- Jennifer
"When Jesus died on the cross, He was giving "all He had" to pay the price for all the wrong things you've ever done. In your heart, for just a moment, would you walk up that hill ...and stand quietly at the foot of that cross where the Son of God is pouring out His life for you. Look at Him dying for you! You are not worthless! But you'll never know how valuable you are until you give yourself to the One who died to buy you back. Which you could do right now, right where you are." - Ron Hutchcraft
great blog. love your yard too!!
omg girl! i was freaking out thinking that i had mixed up our Incredibles on Ice date, but ours is later!! *wink* whew!!
I LOVE your back yard!! looks great!! :D
what a beautiful backyard! I'm so jealous that you can plant flowers already...we're just barely past "chance of snow".
OMGOSH.....your backyard is HEAVEN! When I die, can I go there? LOL!
What a gorgeous backyard. Perfect place for a family gathering tomorrow. Can't wait! I love you and I am so proud of you.
Your backyard looks lovely and that blueberry bread sounds yummy. I hadn't seen it before. Hope you guys had a blessed Easter!
The yard is gorgeous Jennifer. We have been actively working on ours this weekend too. I miss having my second income to afford more goodies to plant etc... part of my sacrifices to scrap and stay at home the past few years. lol : )
I'm so excited to see your A2Z Pages! They rock! Just adorable.
Congrats about We R' Memory Keepers. Love those products. You'll have to get one of those cute purses! I haven't seen them anywhere but the website yet.
I love that quote!!! TFS!
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