I think I figured out what is making me such a bad blogger - Facebook. I find it so much easier just to sit and write a sentence or two rather than a few paragraphs. That is SAD. The guilt set in, so here I am, lol. :)
The photo you see here is the project I'll be teaching at Paper Cowgirl 2011 in June! So excited to be asked to be a teacher again this year. The line up of instructors and classes is AMAZING. You must go see! Registration will be starting in about a week, so keep an eye on the blog and the Facebook page. I'm so in love with my project. I love that it's vintage-style but still full of color.
Thanks for still coming by here! :)
Good to see a post from you today. You always have something pretty to show. Wish I lived close by so I could attend Paper Cowgirl, I'd be right there in your class. I'm not a runner, or an exerciser of any kind so I'm not good at suggesting running music but I am an encourager so I say Way To Go Jennifer! for taking that leap of faith and starting a running program. Keep up the good work.
Yippie for papercow girl, am still pestering my boss for time off because it looks like you are planning lots of fun for this year's event
Great to see you back!
Congrats on the running! I too was a non runner, but I am running my 3rd half marathon this weekend! Have fun!
Feel better soon! I have wanted to "try" to be a runner too! You go girl! I am all signed up for you class at PC! I'm very excited and it will be great to see you again! HUGS!
Hi Jennifer,
I've been attending some wonderful paper flower classes here at Stamp Antonio and I learned this past week that my teacher is attending the Paper Cowgirl this year. Her name is Lisa. I told her that I thought you'd be there and to seek you out. Have a blast your projects are always wonderful!!!
Hope you are doing well. June
Feel better soon! Congrats on the running!
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