Isn't this an adorable picture? (please click on it to see it larger)
My brother-in-law Paul took this when we went to visit my Dad's gravesite two weekends ago. He would be SO proud of all these boys. From left to right, here are Noah (7), Jack (2), Luke (6), Ethan (13), and Levi (1). And there are two more grandkids not pictured! (Drew -3, Jane-4) Poor Jane is the only granddaughter. :)
Amanda tagged me on her blog and I'm supposed to share 7 random facts about myself. Here it goes!
1. I was the county fair queen when I was in high school and had to ride in county small town parades for a year. Picture the big hair, crown, sash, long dresses...and a glittery float pulled behind a huge pick up truck. ha! My sweet Dad took me to parades for a whole year.
2. I play the piano, although I haven't practiced in a long time. It's a shame because I'd be really good if I had kept up with it. I can play lots of hymns and sit down and play easy-medium level music. I have a book of classical music I'd like to start practicing again. Noah LOVES music, so I think it would be a good influence on him, too.
3. Love to scrapbook, but I hardly EVER make cards. Don't know why....I just don't like to make them.
4. I've never lived anywhere but Central Texas. Love it here! And I'm a homebody, family person so I can't see myself moving. It's wonderful having so much family just 10 minutes away.
5. I was nominated for Student Teacher of the Year at the University of Texas, the semester I did my student teaching in 1st grade. This was a huge honor because there were around 1500 people in my graduating class. (this is UT!) I didn't win, but to be nominated was a huge honor and help in getting a teaching job, lol.
6. I subscribe to the following magazines - Country Living, Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion, Victoria, Memory Makers, and Scrapbooks, Etc.
7. My favorite colors are red, pink, vintage white, brown, apple green, and robin egg blue. My least favorite colors are peach, teal, maroon, and purple.
And it was pointed out that I forgot a few Idols in my last post. :) (ahem, Jana!) And I agree with her! Just didn't want to post too many in the last entry. :)
Ace Young - Butterflies
My favorite of his!
Bo Bice - In a Dream
Elliott Yamin - Moody's Mood For Love
Wonderful! He said this is one of his favorites to sing.
You can tell he's really familiar with it!
Constantine - Bohemian Rhapsody
Woohoo! :)
WONDERFUL picture of this next generation of your family!
LOVE that photo....
Loved reading your list, you're one amazing gal.....
Oh my heavens, that video of Ace made my heart flutter!!!! Thank you for the chills!
Love the picture of the boys. So sweet!
I loved reading your list, while I don't have quite the achievements you have, I find that we have a lot in common.
We both love scrapbooking,
American Idol
Alison Krauss & Union Station (on of my all time favorites)
We both live in states that start with the letter "T" LOL!
T for Texas and T for Tennessee ( I think that was a line used in a song long ago) LOL.
Have a great day and I really enjoy reading your blog
That is a great picture. It would be a good one to use on a layout for Noah with a picture of yout dad too. I have recently gotten some pictures of my dad (who died when my oldest was a year old). Michael is now 33 and it is uncanny how much he looks like his grandfather. I plan on doing a layout of the both of them .
oh...ding dong.....I tagged you again! Feel like sharing some more random stuff about you????
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