Saturday, October 06, 2007


* I'm off to San Antonio this afternoon for my class. Will draw two winners on Sunday afternoon and post them here! *

One thing that all of my projects and scrapbook layouts have in
common is COLOR.
I love to use lots of color and enjoy trying new color combinations.
Yes, I have my favorites...but there are so many fun patterned papers that inspire new combos, so it's fun to go with those and try something new!

My love of color carries over into my ribbon, button, ink, and small embellishment collection. I have a lot.
So much so...that I want to give some away!
(good stuff, by the way...not old stash!)
Just leave me a comment here before Sunday morning...any kind of comment.
(How'd you find my blog? What are you favorite color combos? What did you have for dinner?) :D
I'll be giving away TWO goodie bags of COLOR. And the best part?
You get to choose the color combos you want.
Just tell me what you like and I'll make up a fun bag for you.

Get to commenting!
Two winners! :D
(Noah will help me choose two randomly..)
And here's a Friday laugh for you from The Office - The Fight!
(love Kevin's Karate Kid reference..."Sweep the leg!") bahaha....

“Colour is a creative element, not a trimming.”
- Piet Zwart
Dutch Photographer, Typographer and Industrial Designer


Gordostyle said...

Cool giveaway! Am I the first official comment? Even cooler! Ok, something random...let's see...oh I know, my current (as of today) combinations of color are pink and brown, blue and brown, and green and brown!!!! I just can't get enough of these colors right now!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,

I have been reading your blog since aol boarding days :-) I read it daily.. love seeing what you are up to next.

Color choices for me right now are Blue/Brown can't get enough of it
Great Idea to clean out some stash..:-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yea!! You finally are making me leave a comment again. I miss seeing you.
Right now I am using turquoise and black. But love all the fall colors too!

Lara Neves said...

Very fun! I have been totally into a dark red, sky blue and white combo lately. Loving it. :)

Kara said...

How'd you find my blog?
off 2 peas.

What are you favorite color combos?
Turqouise and pink. They look rad together!!

What did you have for dinner?)
Tomato and soft mozzerella sandwiches on chibatta with fresh veggies. It was super yummy!

Bonus: I hear that it's supposed to cool down soon.....

Anonymous said...

Wow - How lovely of you to be giving away some goodies . . . love how organised that pic is too - nice and easy to find what you need! I do a similar thing with small storage boxes sorted by colour too! Oh and I found you from 2Peas too!

alliehoopes said...

Can't remember how I found your blog but I like it :) As well as pink/green and blue/orange

Kerry said...

Just wanted to leave a comment letting you know how much of an inspiration you are to me. I adore your new ribbon storage.

Anonymous said...

Been reading you since you started your blog. Waiting for you to come to FL so I can take one of your classes! Fav color combo right now is blues and browns.



Lynn said...

I just love how organized and colorful that photo is! I also love lots of color. Right now I find myself really into green,red, and orange, but I have been using black more then usually also lately. I've also noticed that lately I'm using more ribbon (something I very rarely used before). I guess my style is changing a little.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Micki said...

How VERY nice of you to do this! Thanks for sharing your blog with the rest of us over at 2Peas!

Patter Cross said...

Sounds fun! I love many different color combos, and it all depends on the picture. But some of my favorites are anything with black or white (teal, red, orange, etc). I truly have many combos I love. I just LOVE color! :)

Anonymous said...

Let's see...I found your blog through the AOL scrapbooking message boards. My favorite color combos are pink/lime green or aqua/lime green. I won't say what I had for dinner 'cause I'd sound like one of those ladies from the Lean Cuisine commercials who had something awful for dinner. In my defense, I was by myself (hubby was working) and I was too busy scrapbooking to make anything decent. ;o)

Dawn Knapp said...

I think my favorite combos are browns and greens. I'm big into earthy colors. Love your blog, by the way. I pop in to visit quite a bit to see what you're up to.

Heather said...

Hey Jennifer! I got to your site a few weeks ago from either Elsie's or Donna's blog and I just love it...My favorite combinaton right now is pinks and browns. I reallllly wanna do something with green and brown or ornage and brown for fall! I just took some really great pictures around town of fall!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer ~ I LOVE your blog. It is one of the first that I check nearly every day. I love the Office clips you post and I have used quite a few of your recipes. You have a great talent!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!!

~ Karen

Kate said...

So what is your current favorite color combo? I've been doing quite a few Good and Plenty layouts
(black, pink and white)

I think my favorite will always be a combination of blues, greens and teals.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I found you somehow through Donna Downey - just the other day. I added your blog to my faves list as soon as I saw your ribbon organizer from Target. My sister-in-law & I are re-organizing my studio next weekend & are using some of your ideas. As the daughter of a printer, I just LOVE the button tray (like old linotype trays)!!! Anyway, thanks for the chance to share in your stash - kudos to ya! I like every color combo known to man - I'm a color freak!!!

Kris with a K said...

Oh, Jen, I can't pass up a giveaway!

I am a pink girl, but you probably knew that already from seeing my workspace. Lurve me the pink, with brown, black, aqua, lime green, you get it.

Hey, I might be starting a PT job at Archiver's...I'll keep you posted!

Anonymous said...

so generous - love color too!!! - i think it's important for good frame of mind. i had pizza last night for dinner.

have a great day!

Anonymous said...

The artist is a receptacle for the emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web.
Pablo Picasso

Kim said...

Those are some great colors, Jennifer. We just had a professional come in and put in an office/scrapbook room. I decorated the room in all vibrant colors to bring out the creativity and keep the inspiration flowing. Mark officially calls the room "my office" and loves going in their to do his homework.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,
I found your blog from the Scrapbook Crossings website. I used to take your class there, "All About Me". Some of my favorite color combos are: pink/brown; brown/turquoise; red/white/black; sage green/tan; silver-blue/pale orange. To welcome the fall season, my son and I made pumpkin chocolate-chip muffins for breakfast this morning. Yummy!

Amy said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I absolutely love to come to your blog and see the newest find, recipe or video clip! Have a wonderful weekend!

Brooke said...

Hmm what to comment on... ;) Tonight we're going to Amazing Jake's because my son is almost completely potty trained yay! So I'm not quite sure what I will have for dinner - but the fact that he agreed to go to Jake's instead of Chuck E Cheese is definitely fabulous so no complaints here! Have a fantastic weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer, I so enjoy reading your blog each day. It's so cool watching your video and hearing Donna D promote our local gal. I know I am witnessing a rising star. Anyway, I have found that I get into a color rut. Always staying in my color comfy zone. I need to take your lead and try new color combos.
Thanks for blogging, it's a part of my morning routine.

[S Rizzle] said...

I have been reading for awhile, but lurking until last week!I think I first found you a few years ago when they featured your room in CK, and I wanted to know who this sistah was! I just love seeing what you have to offer.
pink, brown are my favs.

Anonymous said...

Last night's episode of the office was SO much funnier than the season premier! I was laughing until it hurt last night!!! Have you been to the Target $1 spot yet? cool Dwight magnets, pens and paper! Gotta have it! Lisa K

Cupcake said...

Hey Jennifer,

You know you don't have to win me over with prizes and goodies to post - but as long as you have...
Love turquoisey blue and brown together right now.
I'm so bummed that The Office is on during Grey's Anatomy. Another reason why I NEED tivo!!!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Found you though a link on either Donna Downey's blog or - can't really remember. I discovered The Office from your blog too - hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog because I can totally relate to you! I love 80's music, the brady bunch and Little House on the Prairie! (I cry at every episode!) Not sure how I found you originally, I think it was a link at TwoPeas. My layouts are always filled with color, usually, brights and primary types, the new line from KI will be a staple for me I'm sure! BTW - Isn't about time you posted some new kits??? :)
TamiV -

Sarah Kristiansen said...

I just think you're great...and I came right over this morning lookig for your favorite moment from the office last night....had to put my favorite line on my gosh, that is the best show!

I am also trying to work the Inspired event into my plans...took classes with Donna a few weeks ago, just love her, am dying to get there!

Anonymous said...

Found your blog from another blog and another blog and another blog..yes, I love reading creative blogs...You are inspiring. Thanks for letting us window peek into your world. Arlene

Diane said...

Hey Jennifer,
You know that I've been a enjoying your blog for sometime.
Your my hero, I love reading about your life, your such a positive person. Even on days when you travel the wrong way and make someone really mad. LOL

Trena said...


Trena said...

Sorry for the above keeps losing my comment.

As I was saying last time blogger dropped my comment....
You are dear soul! I can relate to your "one way" day. We've all had them and it seems that we usually run into Mrs. Oleson on those days! But God is so faithful that He gives us Charles Ingalls to show us the contrast. God is good!

I don't usually comment but a colorful giveway is enough to get us lurkers out! Your blog feeds my scrapbooking soul, makes me laugh and give me fun new recipes to try. Thanks for sharing with us all!

BTW, we had take out last night since we've all been sick for a week. :) Happy Friday, Jennifer!

Carla said...

Also found you through Donna's site. Had yucky fast food last night! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Donna Downey's site.

I am sitting at my desk (at work) eating a bran muffin.

Anonymous said...

i don't even remember how I found your blog, but I have been reading for over a year now :-) My fav colors to use are greens/browns and sometimes blues. also have been digging the pink and greens.
Lisa H.

Dr. Mechiel Rozas said...

I found your bog because my friend June mentioned you and I am instantly attatched to any creative Texas girl! My favorite color combo is pink with either black or green. Last night we had crock pot beef with carrots and onions over mashed potatoes. My 5 year-old loved it. I also made chicken and rice (spanish style) so I wouldn't have to cook much this weekend.
Love your blog!
See you at Creative Escape!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for sometime and enjoy your outlook on life. I have had my share of going down one way streets and always have to laugh at those who can't seem to find the humor in it. My fav colors are burgandy and navy blue....although I have a 18 mo. old baby granddaughter and seem to scrap 'pink' quite frequently nowadays!

Jules said...

I love The Office! Great blog, I was just on TwoPeas looking at everyone's blogs, that's how I found you.

Aqua, Pink, and Chocolate brown. The best colors in the world, they are also my wedding colors....

Andrea Amu said...

Who doesn't love color? I especially *heart* green and purple! Brown and pink or swell too! ;) And I love your blog too!

Anonymous said...

hey jennifer, i found your blog via 2peas and i love your style. it's not mine but i so admire it and your sweet boy noah! (hi noah!!!)

thanks for the color giveaway, that is so up my alley! :)

Jennifer H. said...

Ohhh what a fun giveaway! I loooove color. And it's funny because I love nearly all colors. Love bright colors, dark colors, muted colors, etc, just don't give me white. LOL

Your blog is GREAT! :)

Jennifer H.

Jen said... favorite color combo??? how about blue and blue hehe. i LOVE blue. you can also add some brown or green but i really love blue...and pink. love pink too. but not more than blue :)

Heather said...

I've "known" you from the AOL days. Loving that color organization you have going on. Every time I see how you've reorganized, I'm tempted to do the same!

Random musing . . .I'm praying for the rain to really end up east of me tomorrow. We're doing youngest dd b-day party tomorrow, and we're going to have close to FORTY kids (we do a carnival and invite the sibs)!!! what am I gonna do if it rains???

Anonymous said...

Jen- I miss you! I had my baby girl in August :)
I just had to stop by for some inspiration!
Oh, and my new favorite color combo is Pink and Brown :)

KimberleyRose said...

Yay how exciting! :-) Umm, I LOVE all the colors, fall colors are my favorite, earth tones, but I also like bright vibrant colors, so I guess I can't pick.. you can't make me! LOL!! :D J/k.

And, for dinner, I will be having fettuchini alfredo with grilled chicken, breadsticks, and a tossed salad.. lol! :D And, I found you from the scrapbooking board!! :)

I'm sending your tarts out tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I'm over here buggin' you all the time. I just love your blog because I find your altered projects so inspiring. Thanks!

Kristy said...

love your blog...always puts me in a good mood and inspires me to create something or organize what I have!!
Kristy Gussio

Prairie Scrapbooking said...

found your page from Donna Downey. I love colour too!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. It always inspires me to try new things.


KarenSue said...

ooh, couldn't help but notice the Rick Springfield funny!!

access your page from 2peas blog thread. I love color also, too hard to choose a fave color combo

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I actually met you - we sat next to each other at the crop w/ Donna Downey at Scrapbook Crossing earlier this year. The Office is my fav - thanks for all the snippets you include - always makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Hey,Jennifer! I am still beaming over my autumn garland I made when you were in Waco.:) Love your blog!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog..I founf you on the aol scrapbooking message board. Besides looking at your work, i need to check to see what 80's music you are today's and nkotb. I enjoy using bright colors.


jennilynn73 said...

I love color too, but have lived with beige walls in my house for too long. We finally had almost the whole downstairs painted (thanks to a hose that leaked in a toilet and messed up several walls and ceilings downstairs most of the work was covered by insurance!)

I love reading your blog and seeing what you're up to. Still haven't taken the plunge myself.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog thru scrapbook crossing website....
Will you teach again soon ???

I love using blue and brown, pink ane brown conbination..

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through Two Peas. My fav color combos are blue and green (basically the new BG Periphery line) and green and brown.

Anonymous said...

Found you via Donna Downey. Love your positive take. Read going down the up lane and really felt for you. Believe me we have all been there. Using lots of earth tones lately. Thanks. Kelly

Lizzy said...

Hi Jen!

I just love the way that you organize all your goodies! Sure do wish I lived closer so I could take some of your classes!

My favorite color combos have always been fall colors like warm browns, rich reds, earthy greens, vibrant oranges and golden yellows.

Take care, Lizzy (from the AOL Boards)

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me!!! I can't even remember WHEN I started reading your blog. It's been forever. Found it from reading your posts on the AOL SB message boards.


Bridget said...

OK, I'll leave a random comment. It's Friday. I'm very happy that it's Friday. It's a Happy Friday!

Is that random enough? LOL


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Hope you're not having a "one way" day today. Love giveaways! I love green and blue right now, even though they seem to be spring or beach colors. Found your blog as a link from someone else's, but darned if I know whose! I love reading it, though, keep it up!

Jackie said...

I met you on the aol board..
I know it is ribbon you love to hoard..
if I win your little and greens I hope to gain!

natalienicole said...

you taught me a super class at scrapbook 911 this past summer.

also, favorite color combo is grass green and teal...for the moment. could switch to black and white in a moment's notice.

love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love your blog. I am an 80's child as well. I love the Office. I have a 7 year old girl. Totally relate to things you post.

Nancy in MA

Rita said...

I saw my first glimpse of "The Office" on your site.....the episode when Dwight thinks it's Friday. Anyway, this past week I rented season two and am TOTALLY ADDICTED along with my almost 12 year old son!!! So Thanks for introducing me to "The Office"...I am having so much fun curling up on the couch with my boys watching all the old episodes!

Rita in Texas

Jackietex said...

Wow, I can't believe I'm comment number seventy! I just finished eating a freshly made tortilla from H.E.B. and I'm waiting on some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to finish baking. I don't remember how I found your blog, either through Kris with a K or 2 Peas. I'd love to take one of your classes someday.

Melissa said...

I found your blog link on 2Peas and I visit almost every day. I consider you a kindred spirit. :)

My favorite color combo right now is pretty much anything paired with brown.

I made chicken & dumplings for dinner tonight. Comfort food, since the other half of the country seems to be selfishly hogging all the good weather!


Jacqui Bourne said...

Hi Jennifer

I really enjoy your blog. I can't remember how I found it, but I enjoy reading it almost everyday.

Jacqui (SA)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I found you via Donna Downey's blog page a while ago. I read about 7-10 blogs a week and your's is one of them.
I also like lot's of color.
It's early Saturday morning, getting ready to wake my daughter up. She wanted to get her hair cut before her 14th B-Day party. She invited the entire 8th grade. Then we are off to the pumpkin patch. This one has a lot of activities for both younger and older kids.

I would have to say my favorite color's are fall colors. October is my favorite month.

Kelley from VA enjoying your blog.
btw, I like how you store your buttons, I may have to reconsider how I store mine.

Anonymous said...


You are so thoughtful to give away part of your stash.

I've been meaning to tell you that I love how you have Rick Springfield as your 80s Rock for the moment. I saw him in concert two years ago and he was stil fabulous!

As far as what I'm working on: it varies so any colors would work. :-)

mama2ryleigh said...

My favorite color combos are pink/brown & turquoise/brown - plus I'm really enjoying fall colors right now!

Heidi said...

I love your ONE WAY sign post. I keep threatening to take pictures of signs I feel reflect me. And maybe pics that reflect other people - do they have one that says RUDE? Anyway, thanks for the giveaway. Pretty much any color is good if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

My favorite color combo I would have to say are anything green and blue. I love reading your blog Jen!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I really enjoy your's the first one I go to! You are such an inspiration to me : )
Terri C / Texas

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog!! I found it and you)through the AOL creative scrapbooking message boards years ago. We have a lot of the same values,scrapbooking styles and I love your recipes! If you suggest..I try it! I Love the Starbucks carmel apple cider!! Never would of tried it without you telling us how good it is! You are very talented and such a great mom to Noah. You inspire me:) BTW I don't care what colors you send me.....

Leslie from Illinois

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,
What fun, a giveaway of color! I am loving blues right now. We are getting ready to paint our guest bedroom Santorini Blue. Blue and Brown is always a favorite!

Been checking your blog for awhile now... its the first in my blog folder. Love your scrapbooking ideas, recipe ideas, and that Noah is as big of a Star Wars fan as William!

Ali (from the otlounge)

Anonymous said...

You know, I am honestly not sure how I came across your blog, but i do visit it everyday! I love your art and 80's videos!!

P.S> i love all things blue & green

Anonymous said...


I love your blog! It's always inspiring with with lots of color and lovely vintage items. But most of all, I love reading all the funny things Noah does and says! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.


Anonymous said...

Pick me...pick me. Love your blog as if gives me great inspiration! Thanks for the great ideas! Mistie HIll

Becky said...

Can't remember how I started reading your blog but now I am hooked! Love the ideas, craft projects, etc. that you share! Becky Moore

Jana said...

84 comments? Holy smokes Woman!!! It was awesome seeing you today, you look fantastic! Hope your class went well & you had a good trip home. See you again SOON! ;-)

Jenn in Texas said...

I found your blog through my LSS owner when she was advertising your class. Check it every day and love it!
Colors I am into right now...
I would have to say halloween colors - black, orange, purple, lime green.
Can't wait to see who wins!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog--yours was one of the first (if not THE first) I added to favorites on my computer. I think I found you through 2peas because I liked that you had a Bible verse or something in your signature line (I can't remember now-I've slept since then ; ) ). Anyway, I also like to try out the recipes you put on your blog. : )


Anonymous said...

Found you through Donna Downey's blog, and have started stalking! I am sitting here at a weekend retreat with 8 other friends and having a ball! I seem to be using a lot of colot this weekend, but have found a strong pull towards pink, orange and green - using it on my Granddaughters layouts.

Anonymous said...

I just read your blog before church this morning and I guess I didn't add a comment BEFORE Sunday no goody bag for me! LOL I love the picture of all your buttons by color. Have a wonderful trip!