Tuesday, January 16, 2007


TONIGHT!! It starts tonight!!

I'm just a little excited. :)

And every year I say, "oh, there's no one I'll like better than _____" from the previous year. But I always find a few favorites. Three years ago...Fantasia. Two years ago it was Constantine. Last year, Taylor. I'll let you know about this year....

I love the "bad" auditions. Here is one of my favorites.
Mary Roach....wow....
Not too shabby.

And here is Mr. Clay Aiken's audition :)
(still one of my favorite singers!)

And one of my favorite performances!
Constantine singing "Bohemian Rhapsody!" :)

We are officially ICED IN. Days of rain, temps near 30, and hours of falling sleet have completely coated the entire city in a thick sheet of ice. It's pretty strange. I'm just glad I'm not about to go into labor or something. (I'm not pregnant) It's colder here in Austin than it is in the northeast right now. It's snowed on and off today and we're supposed to get 3" total by tomorrow night. Noah is excited. I am too, but I am SO ready to get out of this house and go to Target or Starbucks. I think I'm going thru withdrawal. :oP

And I haven't gotten ANY scrapbooking done. Zero. I've been ordering and organizing supplies for my classes...but that's about it. But it's fun!

I took a short video today of the snow just starting to fall in front of our house. I'm going to take more tomorrow. And yeah...big deal. But it IS a big deal here. The flakes were big and beautiful :) (you can see them well when I pan up to the trees)

I think I'll make some of this tomorrow. There is nothing better than Peanut Butter! :)
Peanut Butter Banana Bread (I think adding chocolate chips would be yummy)

Have a good night!
- Jennifer

"The times we find ourselves having to wait on others may be the perfect opportunities to train ourselves to wait on the Lord." - Joni Eareckson Tada


Anonymous said...

We make peanut butter banana nut chocolate chip muffins often. My oldest daughter LOVES them. Chocolate is good in anything:)!!
Love your blog.
Tracy Johnson

Deanna- yep Dee-na said...

cool!! it is a big deal.
definitely a biggie here too. :)
i'm bummed that we didn't get a snow day today. (sigh)
your weather mostly went south of us.. we got stuck w/ the cold but no accumulation or ice or snow.
it is wild to think it is icy down in TX. lol
enjoy! SBUX will be there in a day or so and then go crazy lady! haaa!

Anonymous said...

i remember when we lived in midland anytime we got snow it was a huge deal. moved to missouri and it's not as big a deal anymore. although it's been a while since we had a winter like this. no school again tomorrow. ugh!! it's just cold here now. -4 this morning for the high, not wind chill.