Yikes, sorry so long between posts! (Stacey, extra sorry, lol) I guess I've been busy.
Gift Idea: For your extended family, you can give each family "unit" a new address book, complete with all of the family address, email, and phone number information for the whole group. With our big family I know that this would be VERY helpful. Maybe I'll stick one in everyone's stocking. That one just popped into my head. It's completely random and not related to anything else in this post, haha.

I've been working on some design team projects (click on/see photos) and also some class ideas for Pink Martini Designs. I work better when I'm challenged and/or have a deadline to meet, but it's always in the back of my mind to get them done. I'd probably complain if I didn't have a deadline, too. Oh well.. :)
Noah goes back to school this week - 1st grade. Wow, I can't believe that. We are going today to pick up his immunization records from the pediatrician and to buy some groceries for lunches.
Another fun idea: Buy packages of birthday character napkins and put one in your child's lunch each day. They are cheap..about $1.75 for a package of 16-20. Noah loves having Superman, Star Wars, Cars, etc. in his lunchbox. :)
Gotta go get started on our errands before it hits 100 degrees outside.
Yet another idea: I have my Ipod shuffle filled with kids' songs for Noah. (have a playlist saved that I can just load and unload) Whenever we go to the grocery store or on long errand trips, we take it. He loves it! It has Spongebob, Backyardigans, Disney songs, kids' praise songs and some stories on CD. (Curious George, The Incredibles, etc.) I got a lot of them from Itunes, but I also loaded some that he already had on CD. And he thinks he's really cool with the Ipod. :)
Have a wonderful week...
- Jennifer
"Neither go back in fear and misgiving to the past, nor in anxiety and forecasting to the future, but lie quiet under His hand, having no will but His." - H. E. Manning
Love the little house!!!
Jen! I am LOVING your work and ideas. :) That little house is so pretty. Is that the one you were telling me about?
I am glad to hear you are doing good. Been praying for you.
Oh gosh, Jen, Noah has grown so much. He looks older in that picture in the little house.
Carrie (your Hutto friend) ha ha.
I love thst cute house project! :)
You are the idea queen! Love the one about the address/contact books. Too fun!
Great Ideas....I think the address one is great since I have a daughter that just got married and she wanted my mine for thank you notes.
Loving your projects! I do that napkin thing too. . . usually with napkins left over from various things.
We started school last week .. . didn't know anyone in Texas started this late!
Backyardigans . . . .did you get the second CD? We've got them both and they get a lot of play.
The older 2 kids have shuffles (they wanted ipods and at that price, I'd rather buy those than $100 worth of junk for birthdays!) and they have all sorts of Christian/Eddie Coker/High School Musical/Etc music.
Great ideas, Miss J!! Glad to see a post from you too--it HAS been a while-far too long for my liking-but I'll let it go...THIS time...lol ;)
Love the napkin idea!
Gotta go shopping for some fun ones tomorrow. :)
I also love the house frame you did. Gives me much inspiration for holiday gifts.
Please get the Animaniacs post going... and get the songs on Noah's Ipod when you get a chance :^P
Love your projects girl!! ;)
Where did you find the cute little house?
The little house is from Hobby Lobby.
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