He is the reason I am a Mommy and why I can celebrate Mother's Day. We prayed for him for two years before I found out I was pregnant. He is so precious to me. I just can't imagine life without him :)
This morning while getting ready for church he said, "Mommy, I don't want to wear this shirt. I want to wear a shirt with a tie for Mother's Day." So, here he is after getting dressed. :) He was just thrilled to have his picture taken, huh? Oh...and check out the tie on his neck, not under his collar. I love it. :)

I'm feeling very blessed today. I have an awesome Mom and am a Mommy to this lovable, sweet and funny little kid. :)
"The mother's heart is the child's classroom." - Henry Ward Beecher
What a precious boy!!
what a sweetheart!! love your pictures :) Have a wonderful Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day Jennifer. Great shots of Noah btw :-)
Happy Mother's Day, Jennifer. Sounds like Noah really made your day special.
He is adorable! Thanks for reminding us of the REASON we have this day! :-)
Oh my, what a sweetie to want to dress up for his mama on her special day!
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