....so good to me. (ba da, ba da da da) Any Mamas and the Papas fans here? I love that song! Note to self to get it on Itunes, along with California Dreamin'....
It's a dreary, cloudy Monday here in Austin. But you know, I really like days like this. It sort of gave me permission to stay inside and get things done. I finished my guest designer layouts and projects for A2Z Essentials, and I had SO much fun! The paper is really gorgeous, and something I like about it is that the patterned papers have patterns that you can cut OUT of the paper, making them usable as embellishments. I love doing that, so you'll see that on my projects. It should be up sometime in early April. :)
Like my new banner up there? I just put a bunch of ribbons on my scanner. LOVE that font for my title, too! It's 2Peas Vineyard. :)
David is bringing home Pei Wei food f0r dinner....yum. Kung Pao Shrimp for me. I have been having lots of pain in my achilles tendon because I pulled it quite a while back and didn't ever "rest" it. So now it's hurting a LOT. My husband has ordered me to not do ANY housework or cooking this week or I'd be in trouble and he'd have to resort to "phase 2." LOL! I have NO idea what that means, but hey....I'm happy to follow THOSE orders. He wants me to be better for our vacation and from all I've read about Achilles Tendonitis, the best cure is staying OFF of it and icing it. So, that's what I'm doin'. Not really fun...but I did scrapbook, so I think I can handle it. :)
American Idol is strange for me now. I LOVE Taylor and Mandisa. They are my favorites, although Taylor is first. But I do NOT want him to win. I want someone like Kellie Pickler to win. I just don't want to see Taylor or Chris have to sing those cheesy "winner" songs. Can't picture that.... :) But really, Taylor is the only contestant who I can't WAIT to see each week. Love that picture of him, too!
I'm off for the evening. God bless you this week! :)
- Jennifer
"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." - C. S. Lewis
Love the new Banner!
the new banner is great, Jennifer? Do I spy Hobby Lobby ribbon in there ?!! :)
great photo of Taylor - love him! so talented!!! and the Mama's and the Papa's I know who they are!!! :-)
Have a great day!
LOVE your banner - so fun and cheery. makes me wanna scrap!
Love the banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Banner!! Go Taylor!!
Love your new banner babe! Looks awesome! And yes...LOVE Mamas and Papas!!!!!! LOVE EM! Oooh...and PEI WEI! Our fave too. Girl...we must be lost soul-sistahs!!! LOL! We even have some of the same fave AIs....LOVE TAYLOR and MANDISA! She can seriously belt! Chas and I seriously get a kick out of Kellie though. She is so dingy. Chas canNOT believe how airheady she is. It's hilarious how Ryan totally makes fun of her without her even knowing it. LOL! She definitely has the "American Idol" look though...and her voice is awesome too. Anyway...guess we'll see. Everyone is stepping it up lately. Can't wait for tonight! Hey...are you watching the FOOD NETWORK Reality Show with Bobby Flay?? Chas and I love it! I swear the spikey haired guy will be the one to win...at least he SHOULD be. He's awesome! Anyway...enough from me! LOL!
I LOVE that banner!! I may have to steal the idea...I would totally give credit to you, though! You are so creative!
I love the banner! Where is that orange paisley ribbon from?? I, um, need it. Yes... I need it.
Enjoy staying off your feet and heal quickly!
I agree... I don't want Taylor or Chris to win. I want them to be 2nd and 3rd so they can go off and do what they like to do, and what they are so good at doing. Chris is my personal favorite, but Taylor is growing on me... LOL.
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