Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Good morning!! :D

Yes, I'm still here...thank you for the emails! I got home on Sunday morning from Inspired and was completely drained for a couple of days. Had an AMAZING time with so many creative, wonderful women. I didn't even take my camera because Paolo was there as our official photographer (love him!) and is selling CDs of the event photos, so as soon as he posts his slideshow, then I'll link it here.

I'll have a better Inspired post either Thursday or Friday. Think I'll do it as a bullet "favorites" list from the weekend. :) Still catching up on things around here!

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jennifer...
Just wanted to let you know that I posted about your project at INSPIRED! Here is the link: ..

You can find the article on the bottom right hand side!

Thank you so much for providing the inspiration behind this very special piece!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing about the weekend.