Friday, December 12, 2008


Good morning! I'm sorry it's been so long since I blogged. I'm attempting to remember the word Simple during this busy time of year, and blogging has just fallen by the wayside. I'm sure it wouldn't be very interesting to hear about laundry, school Christmas parties, TaeKwonDo, and wrapping gifts anyway. :)

When I used to teach first grade, I loved reading the book The Snowman to my kids every year. One version of the book is wordless, only pictures, and that is my favorite. There is another version that has words and usually I'd read that one....then show them the movie (the one without narration). Have you seen it? The music, story, beautiful. I found it on You Tube and thought I'd share it. You can also purchase it here. I think the book and DVD would make a great gift or stocking stuffer!

The Snowman - Part 1

The Snowman - part 2

The Snowman - part 3

Have a blessed Friday :)

Oh....did you see The Office last night? haha


Teresa said...

Flippin' hilarious! Thanks for this one!

Anonymous said...

the office is brillant. I am faster than 80% of all snakes. LOL!

Holly Renee said...

The Snowman was one of my fave's to teach the kids as well when I taught Kinder and I absolutely LOVED the fact that there were NO imaginations would RUN wild!