Our houseguests have arrived. My mother-in-law, my brother-in-law, and his 4-year old daughter, Luci. My brother-in-law Jon is a professional musician and he's in town this weekend to play a bunch of gigs for the Austin City Limits Music Festival. Cool, eh?
I have a freezer full of food. Noah is sleeping on a cot in our room for the next 4 nights. He is SO excited, haha. Everything's good!
Speaking of Noah....here are some of his latest quotables:
Being pregnant is like having a tapeworm, huh? The baby gets everything you eat...
I'm very interested in lots of things. Like...what does a dog's digestive system look like?
Mommy, why did you pause the TIVO during commercials? (Me: because sometimes at night there are "not so nice commercials on TV that you don't need to see) Noah: Oh, like those bra commercials?
I'm so hungry that my stomach is receding.
"Piss" is a bad word. Daddy told me. (Me, trying not to laugh, trying not to be shocked or something..."how did that word come up? Where did you hear that?") Noah: I didn't hear it anywhere. I was playing and changing word sounds around and instead of saying 'this' I said 'piss.' Then Daddy told me."
Me: Noah, why did you get in our bed during the night last night? Noah:
Thursday while Noah is at school I will be majorly shopping for my upcoming classes. Can't WAIT! I'll also stop at Barnes and Noble and hopefully pick up a copy of the new Simple Scrapbooks' Scrapbook PLAY. (pictured above) I think it would be great for Noah layouts. :) I think I'll get my first pumpkin spice latte of the season, too!
Don't forget that registration for Inspired. Artist Workshop is just TWO days away! Registration begins at 12:01 a.m. Saturday!
"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. " ~Walt Streightiff
Cute observations... out of the mouth of babes.
He is so funny! Love it. Especially, Daddy and I already had this conversation. Hilarious!
Scrapbook Play is my favorite idea book ever! I have loved it! Have fun with it!
After reading all the food you prepared--yum--can you take another guest? I won't stay long...just till the food's gone. You need to make up a cookbook to bring to Silver Bella. I like to create, but mostly I love to eat! Carolr
Jennifer, you need to write a book with all these things Noah comes out with. He is hysterical!
He is a crack up! You'll love that issue, it is great. I bought my first PSL of the season on the same day I bought "Play" as well! YUM!!
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