In our guest bedroom I use the entire closet to hold all of my class kits, teaching supplies, extra supplies, projects, etc.
It's a great place for all of it, but since I"m slowing down on my teaching dates for a little while, I am going to list some of my retired class kits on Etsy. I'm going to work on it a bit this evening and then again tomorrow, so I'll post when they are listed.
All of them will come with detailed instructions and of course I'm always available via email for questions. :)
David is outside right now, vacuuming my van. This afternoon while driving home from The Salt Lick BBQ (which is way out in the country) I turned around and saw a big scorpion on my mom's FACE. I almost puked, screamed, jumped out the window...
I didn't know what to do! So I said, "um, Mom...there is SOMETHING on your face!" She swatted it to the floor and of COURSE it crawled under my seat. So I told David he MUST Raid the van tonight. Everything is out of it, he's vacuuming it while rolling his eyes, and I'm praying the scorpion comes out and surrenders or else I find him feet to the sky tomorrow morning. I cannot drive the van with my feet on the floor while he lives in there.
I may have to get a van with steering wheel controls. And every five minutes I feel something crawling on me.
(my minor in college was drama)
The photo above is of my wooden stamps. I'm trying them out in the yellow 2-tired basket so they are next to me when I work.
"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)
(even scorpions)
That's exactly how I store by newest stamp purchases - only my basket is green. I love looking at them, and I always promise myself to use them at least once before they go up onto my wall shelves!
Good luck cleaning out!
This reminds me of when I had to take 'Defensive driving' cause I got a speeding ticket.
The first few minutes of the class, the instructor went around the room and had us all introduce ourselves, and say why we had to take the class. (I of course, said because I had a lead foot). Anyway there was a lady there, that looked completely out of place, a total grandma, and bless her heart, she got pulled over for reckless driving....there was a LIVE MOUSE IN THE CAR WITH HER! Crawling on her feet, squeaking. Can you imagine? Can't believe they ticketed her. What morons.
OMG about your mom! I'm just happy she wasn't stung, esp. on her face!! Doncha just love the Salt Lick?! I haven't been out there in forever but just love going out there. Maybe we could meet up out there sometime??
omg, your mom....yuck to the unexpected hitchhiker... hope dh gets all critters out. i can just imagine if u saw that thing in the van with u...
oh, dh surprised me with an early bday present.... tix to an 80's concert in vegas....
when in rome, dramarama, gene loves jezebel, general public, real life and flock of seagulls. can't wait, it's @ the beach in mandalaybay...aghhh....love that hotel...
lynda in calif
And THAT is why I live in Minnesota - the land of ice and snow where wild scorpians and wayward black widows do not reside. UGH! I would make your DH empty the vacuum cleaner bag for fear that darn scorpian might be alive in my vaccum for the rest of it's life. YUCK! I hope he is gone for good. A world with one less creepy crawlie is a good world indeed!
oh my goodness!! that is the ONLY thing that i am still deathly afraid of!!
my little sister is moving here, and i already warned her about the bugs and ickies alike!
Oh my! I would have freaked out too! Can't wait to see your kits on Etsy!
Aaaack! Glad your mom was OK and that little bugger didn't sting her!
Can't wait to see those kits!
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