Monday, July 16, 2007


ATTENTION - Giveaway Inside!
(don't forget to leave your name and/or email address! Completely anonymous posts are impossible to follow up on!) :)

This blog entry is for all of my fellow 80's fans. I know you're there! Where are all of my Duran-Duran loving, swatch watch digging, parachute pants styling, banana clipping, aqua net spraying, UNITS clothing wearing, Charlie perfume spraying girls?

Everyone that knows me knows I love the 80's.
Love the MUSIC most of all.
Can't say I'd wear the clothes again, but boy, did I EMBRACE the 80's.
I was in high school from 1983-1987, so I was full-force into the 80's clothes, music, makeup, and fads. I had tons of albums, 8-tracks, and 12" singles, fluorescent pink pumps, lace shirts, blue eyeliner, twistabeads, Tickle name it. I watched Friday Night Videos, Night Tracks, Solid Gold, and Puttin' On the Hits. (remember the lip sync show?) And 80's music is my favorite scrapbooking music. :)

So for my fellow 80's fans...I am giving away two 80's CDs!
Burned from my ultra-fine collection of 80's tunes,
you'll be like totally loving it, fer sure.
(burned legally from Itunes, FYI)

Here's what you have to do....

Leave me a comment telling me your favorite 80's song.
That's it. :)
Just want to hear from you!
I'll have Noah draw TWO winners for the mix CDs on Wednesday night
and I'll post the winners here.
And now I leave you with a clip from one of my favorite 80's movies - Pretty In Pink.

- Jennifer

"There is nothing wrong with today's teenager that twenty years won't cure."
~Author Unknown


Dana said...

WHat a great giveaway! I'd love to win a CD!! I love all kinds of 80's music, but 38 Special is my favorite!
I guess "So Caught up in You" is my favorite song of theirs :)

Thanks for a great giveaway!


Bridget said...

Oh, Jennifer, you are a girl after my heart! We graduated from high school the same year, and I LOOOOVE the 80s! I love the old videos you put up here on the blog, and I second everything you mentioned in today's post. My favorite 80s song? Why, that would have to be "The Reflex" by the coolest 80s band of all, Duran Duran!

chris jenkins said...

ooh - what a fun fun giveaway!

i have so many favorites. . .

"If You Leave" by OMD

"Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds

"Tainted Love" by Soft Cell

"If You Were Here" by Thompson Twins

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears

i could go on and on.

Kelly said...

ONE song? That's like asking a mother to pick her favorite child... yeesh.

I'll settle on "Tell Her About It" by Billy Joel.

Sarah Kristiansen said...

oh my gosh....we are soulmates, I KNEW IT! I so wanted to *be* molly ringwald....

I think my 80's favorite songs are "We Belong" and "If You Leave". At least, those are the ones I keep flipping to lately on the ipod...

love the clip too!

Unknown said...

Only one? That's just mean.

I guess "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Taco. Mostly cause I can *still* do the baton-twirling routine to it....heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I'd have to say Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield or ANYTHING By Chicago!!!!
Wendy WVG

Stacey said...

We must have graduated the same year (1987)! I am so an 80s music girl. I am an iTunes girl, too!

One of my many favorites is Always something there to remind me by Naked Eyes!

Jackie said...

I guess the one song that sums up the 80's for me would be papa don't preach by madonna, I was 17 and pregant, I have a wonderful son but I was scared and alone in the 80's and music was there for me...I had some fun songs my second song would be Jack & diane, cause the 80's made me a huge john cougar mellencamp fan (i was in his fan club!)

Benita said...

How sweet are you :) I have SO many 80's songs that I love, but since you posted a video of one of my favorite movies as well, I'll list that one as just one of my favorite songs....the theme song to Pretty In Pink. LOVE that movie! My dd is always telling me that I'm 'stuck in the 80's' with my hairstyle ;)

Jana said...

The world's #1 Duran Duran fan signing in!!! I just watched Pretty in Pink the other night on VH1, people used to tell me I looked like Molly! I have pretty much the entire movie memorized.....

Stacy said...

I was a huge Journey fan in the 80s. HUGE. But I hafta say that right this minute, my favorite 80s song is "Take Me On" by Aha, because my favorite local band covers it regularly, and it takes me back to the good ol' days!

Cupcake said...

Jennifer you know you are a girl after my own heart chicky! I am all over Tainted Love by Softcell ranks right up there. Or anything by Journey or Toto or Bruce Hornsby or Yes and then there is the entire Madonna Like a Virgin album and Tears for Fears and INXS (or am I getting into the 90's now).
Love the blog. LOVE the giveaway!

Janet O. said...

ANYTHING by Tears for Fears...I was their #1 fan in HS (1986, if you are keeping track) live in Austin, right? There is a pretty good chance I will be in Austin in a couple of weeks - want to meet up??

janet o

Anonymous said...

I attended high school from 1981-1985 so I'm right there with ya'! I have two favorite 80's songs. They are "Tempted" by Squeeze and "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell.

Kelli said...

Oh my gosh, I can't imagine picking just ONE favorite 80's song, they were all pretty much fabulous!!

The first two that popped into my mind, though, were:
Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart; and
Love Bites by Def Leppard
What a fun idea, Jen!

bethy said...

mad about you by belinda carlisle.
:) fun game!

Anonymous said...

Jen! I graduated hs in 1980 so the 80's to me were my college years and my internship year while in my college town. What a great bunch of memories. You know, music is the root of it many fav songs for different reasons but I'm going to blurt out anything by Wham! In particular: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. It reminds me of all of my roomates and myself getting ready for work/school in the morning!

Melanie said...

Gosh - my favorite? How can I pick just one. Well, off the top of my head "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is up there for so many reasons that won't be discussed here. I bet it's one fun CD you made. Thanks for the fun! ~melanie~

Erin said...

LOVE 80's music! It's gotta be "Come on Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners! Ooh, and I love "Your Love" by The Outfield. Fun give away!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, what a fun giveaway! I loved the 80s. I graduated in 1987 too... hard to believe that was 20 years ago. One of my favourite songs from the 80s is The Reflex by Duran Duran. In fact, I loved EVERYTHING about Duran Duran. *sigh* Still hard to believe high school was more than 20 years ago. lol

Anonymous said... hard to choose...loved so many and when I hear them now my mind whirls back to what I was doing when I heard some of them...but I do love Footloose...1984...Kevin Bacon...made you want to dance even if you cant'! And you gotta cut loose....footloose!....ok you get it!Would love to be picked!

senovia said...

Alright, I have to admit, I graduated in 1992, so I'm a teeny bit younger, but remember the 80's so well! I loved Huey Lewis and the News, so my fave would have to be Hip to Be Square. lol. I know.

Anonymous said...

"I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls (plus tons of other songs) It's tough to pick a favorite. Love 80's music.

Anonymous said...

the two songs that I blasted from my Sony Walkman - "I Love Rock n Roll" by Joan Jett and "Photograph" by Def Lepperd.

Just for you Jen -

A post from my blog:
I was a teen in the 80s and I loved it. I was thrilled when Mallory Keeton got engaged, heard rumors how Mikey died from eating Pop Rocks, knew that I didn’t want to be gagged with a spoon and I longed to be a Square Peg. If I ever found myself in trouble I knew I could count on Magnum, MacGyver, Simon and Simon or the A-team. I learned to just say no from Nancy, knew that Joanie really loved Chachi, longed for a ride with Bo in the General Lee and was informed how to RELAX like Frankie. I was intensely sad when Mr. Rogers and Gordon on Sesame Street died, practiced my gymnastics routine because I wanted to be like Nadia and I knew in order to really dance, I had to kick off my Sunday shoes. Speaking of shoes - I used to think that Jellies were the coolest things ever. I had them in every color.

Reminiscing can make you either feel really young or prehistoric.

What makes me feel old –

-my kids saw a picture of me as a teen holding up a my Sean Cassidy record. They asked why I had the big CD.

-if I search for 80s music, it is now under the section “Oldies”

-I hear an 80s song and think “that was my prom theme!”

-Fonzie, Richie, Potsie, Ralph, Bo, Luke, and Daisy Duke can now become AARP members

-at the grocery store I saw a sign at the register that said “you must have been born before such-and-such date to purchase alcohol"...and the date was 1986! The year I graduated high school. Ouch.

monicaintexas said...

Hands down the best song from the 80's my high school years - Banarama - Cruel Summer.

ahhhhhh =)

Anonymous said...


Hard to pick just one! But you gotta love...Love Shack by the
B-52's. Thanks for the memories, Jennifer! From another lovin' the 80's Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

you are a woman after my own heart. My fav of the 80's is anything by Richard Marx and Def Leppard. There are too many to pick from to name just one. LOL.

Dee said...

I was in highschool from 80-84. My favorite 80's song is Chicago's "Your're the Inspiration" because it is mine and my husbands song and was in our wedding. Love 80's stuff!

Anonymous said...

yikes, picking one is hard. Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi is one of 'em. It's one of Scott's favorites too. This is a great giveaway, I hope I win! :-)

Anonymous said...

oh man. i couldn't pick just one. but how about "pour some sugar on me" by def leppard. (which i sang wrong for years saying, "from my head to my peaches!!!")


Sally said...

Flock of Seagulls "I Ran So Far Away"

I'm doing this for my dh. He loves 80's music.

Sally Davidson

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are my long lost friend. Today I was cleaning out my drawers when i found my beloved pink strawberry scented swatch watch. Of course it is totally greenish pink and doesn't smell good anymore but I will never part with it. John Hughes gives me goose bumps and there will never be music as great as the 80's. My favorite song was Bizarre Love Triangle by The Cure. I still get excited when Boy George comes on the radio, love Prince, NKOTB, Madonna, Duran Duran, Frankie Goes to Hollywood etc... I graduated from High School in 1989. Now I am remembering dancing in the school gym, resting my head on my boyfriends white tuxedo with a cumberband that matched my pale blue guinnesax dress...dancing to Lisa Lisa and the Cult jam. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite songs from the 80's is Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer".

Fun giveaway Jen! :)

Peg Graham said...

My fave line from Pretty in Pink:

Duckie: You know what an older women does for me?
Iona: Changes your diapers?
Duckie: Touché.

Love the Duck-Man!
Peg Graham

Peg Graham said...

I also graduated in 1980, but have many, many fond memories of 80's music. OK...One of my fave songs then is;

One Thing Leads To Another - The Fixx


Peg Graham said...

by the starbucks tumbler....I did the insert and spelled 'RELAX' on it (Frankie Goes to Hollywood)to remind me.

Too funny how we still live in the 80's.

Jen said...

i'm going with 'cruel summer' by bananarama. how can you not feel sorry for daniel in karate kid when that song plays. it was a cruel...cruel...cruel summer.

and i'm with everyone else that said it was so hard to pick just one. i kpt wanting to change mine as i went through the list :)

Hollye said...

Oh my! I LOVE 80's music and all the "teenie bopper" movies that were out then. Pretty In Pink was one of my favorite. Sixteen Candles....I wanted to marry Jake Ryan. Breakfast Club. Lost Boys was one of my alltime favs. I remember riding on the drill team bus back from football games and we would listen to the entire Lost Boys soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

omg, that is my fav. clip of pretty in pink. i even dated a guy in hs that resembled him and he called himself duckie...yeah!

anywho, my fav 80's band, wow or even a fav song.. hmm that's hard. i'll have to say duran duran, rio or how about hungry like a wolf..

ok, i have it for sure now

yup that's my all time fav 80's song

lynda in calif

Anonymous said...

ok.... I am such a fan and "lurker" of yours! I use to read all your posts from the AOL scrapbooking days and now follow you on your fabulous blog! This post really is up my alley! I too am a teenager from the 80's! I even have shirt that says " The 80's rock!" My daughter cringes when I wear it:) ANYWAY.... my favorite song is Footloose...saw the movie 7 times that summer! Thanks for pulling me out of hiding with such a great blog and giveaway!!!

LESLIE in Illinois

Unknown said...

Psssst.....paging Crystal Matushek...Bizarre Love Triangle was by New Order, not The Cure.
But I will cut that girl some slack for enduring the GunnieSax(sp?) dress, those things were itchy. ;)

Anonymous said...

hey there girlie! what a fun giveaway :D
my fave is "eternal flame" by the bangles. could technically be 90's though.
hey would you mind giving me a recommendation on a LSS in the austin area? I'm going to be there 9/1 for the goo goo dolls concert (yay!!) but wanted to squeeze in some shopping and such while there.
you can email me at or peamail me (MoniL). thanks in advance and have an awesome day!

Jennifer Sizemore said...

I think I will be going through all of these comments and adding more tunes to my playlist!!! I am an 80s music fan, too! I think my favorite was Open Arms from Journey :) But ask me another day and it would be different.

Trena said...

So many...I last listened to Rick Springfield. Love the whole cd. I also love Pretty in Pink but then again I love any movie with Molly Ringwold in it. But I've discovered that I didn't notice all the very inappropriate inuendos until I became an adult and tried to watch them with my kids within earshot. Hmmm...why did my parents let me watch it?

Anonymous said...

Oh I love me some 80's music. My favorite song was Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi

Linda in Tennessee

Anonymous said...

I think I'd have to go with Manic Monday by the Bangles. My son says his is Major Tom ....and he's really hoping we win a CD :>)

Linda -

Anonymous said...

Hi! I LOVE 80's music! I would have to say Def Leppard, Pyromania! Have you been watching NBC's new show the Singing Bee? Great show...lots of good tunes! Renee

Heather said...

Oh my goodness! I haven't thought about Taco in years! I think I'm gonna have to download that one.

80s music . . . oh, loved it! For some reason, one of my favorites was "Mediate" by INXS. I'm thinking I could still now just about recite the whole thing . . . not sure what the meaning behind that song was. Guess it appealed to my inner English teacher with all the rhyming "ates".

Dawn Knapp said...

I'm an 80's freak too!! I was really into the "hair bands"...Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, Def Leppard, etc. And I still, to this day, watch those teen angst movies like Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club. I sooo wanted to be Molly Ringwald when I was a teenager!

Cathy said...

Wow. What a tough question. My favorite 80's music varies by day/mood/what I'm doing.

Definitely anything by Sammy Hagar would be at the top of my list. Also loving Bananrama's "Venus" right now--great summer music. Duran Duran, Belinda Carlisle,The Fixx, Ozzy Osbourne, David Bowie's "modern love", Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just want to have fun"

Sorry, can't pick just one. LOL

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Love me some Bon Jovi, but I loved John Cougar Mellencamp's Jack and Diane. It's a little bit racy! hehe

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, you rock! what a great give away..I was in high school and college during the 80's and I am a big fan of the 80's music to this day. You brought back some memories..units, tickle deod : ) I love "Don't stop believen'" by Journey. It's hard to pick just one.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the 80's! My favorite song "Can't Touch This" I can still picture the video in my head! Guess what I'll be singing the rest of the night? My kids will love it!
Lisa Ellam