Saturday, June 30, 2007


Ok, so my order from Cat's Life Press arrived yesterday....and I'm in love.
That "create something" stamp is my favorite.
These stamps are seriously beautiful.
Thank you, Nora, for my new addiction!
Have to go out later and get some wire and some Christmas lights.
No problem....Hobby Lobby's had them out for a month now.
And don't worry.
I'm not decorating (yet)'s for a project.
Yesterday I was able to find the fabulous new Autumn Leaves book The Foof-A-Life. I totally want to FRAME every page in it, including the cover. It is full of gorgeous, inspiring projects and
I can't WAIT to spend the weekend with some of these gifted artists at Silver Bella!
What to do with this wonderful little thing?
I loved it, bought it, and now need to find a creative use for it.
(it's an old metal toothbrush and cup holder)
Any ideas? And don't say "toothbrush holder!" :)
Do you subscribe to Donna Downey's newsletter?
If you don't, you really should. :D
Back to laundry!
"One sees great things from the valley, only small things from the peak. "
- G. K. Chesterton


Nicole said...


i've been 'stalking' your blog for a while now and finally decided to post.

i LOVE your style, Jen!!

i think maybe we were separated at birth...would SO love to go junk shopping with you.

enjoy reading your blog...thanks for the inspiration =)

Sarah Kristiansen said...

Aw, MAN j-j-j-jealous of those stamps!!! Can't wait to see the rockin' stuff you do with them!

Unknown said...

I just got that book yesterday too! It made me even more excited for Silver Bella, if that is at all humanly possible. LOL Gorgeous stuff!

Hmm, could you use the holder for paintbrushes with a cup in the middle for rinsing them out? Neat find!

Anonymous said...

You could use the holder to hold your scissors, and place a cup inside to hold pens, or paintbrushes?

Love the stamps you got!

Anonymous said...

OK, Jennifer, I am totally loving those stamps! I want to visit Austin so I can play in your scrapbook room. Mind putting me up for a few days? LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, that anonymous was me, Bridget! Sorry!

jeanne said...

Great stamps, Jen. I am soooo jealous. Love the layout on the previous post too. How about if you but a votive candle with a glass in the cup holder and then used the tooth brush holders for for small dried flowers?


Jana said...

Kara picked me up a copy of the Foofala book when she was in Florida and I CANNOT wait to get my hands on it so I can pour over each page again & again!! Oh, and I'm LOVING all the new stamps you got....awesome!!!!!