I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
We did...and still are.
We still have company in the house and more arriving tomorrow.
It's great to have the excuse to sit around and not do much, although I'm itching to get my Christmas decorations down. :) I have taken some of them and hidden them in the dining room to put away later.
We have another gift exchange tomorrow, so I'll leave the tree up until the New Year.
My sister Allison and her husband Paul are expecting another baby boy anyday now!
We are just waiting for the phone call and we are headed over to babysit the others. I can't wait :)
That will make 7 grandkids.... 6 boys, 1 girl.
(funny coming from a family full of girls and no boys!)
Some of the wonderful Christmas gifts I received this year include -
music CDs (Jeremy Camp, Clay Aiken)
lots of DVDs (several romantic comedies, TV series, 80's must haves)
a pair of pink crocs
beautiful earrings/bracelet set with garnet and citrine stones
Dillard's shopping gift card
Itunes gift card
pink slippers
a Texas granite cross
Paula Deen's new cookbook
I don't ever receive scrapbooking supplies...and I'm glad. I'd rather buy those myself! David doesn't like to buy me things that I would get anyway.
Have you ever had a situation in your life that you wanted to control but couldn't? Usually when other people's decisions are involved, you can only do so much. So we worry about it, we think about it all the time...and that's what I've been doing with this particular situation. I decided two days ago to just give it to the Lord. (I don't know why I thought I could be in control of it anyway) I let it go and said, "Lord, you are in charge. Whatever you want to happen..." And by golly, yesterday I started getting answers. (the other people involved acted) I love that God cares about my littlest problems, which aren't little to Him.
Oh...and I got several gifts wrapped in light blue/white/and red....the hip wrapping colors from Target. So they inspired my blog look. It makes me cold, which is what I want! :)
Keep enjoying the season!
- Jennifer
Love your new banner, Jennifer! Sounds like you had a really nice holiday, too. :-)
Lisa S
Love the new blog look. I still can't figure out how to add onto mine. I have figured out how to change the template! hehe. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.
Love the colors! You are so talented girl!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, I'm so glad! Best wishes for a wonderful new year!!
Okay, your blog is like,"Whoaaaaa!" I'm truly inspired! And yes, if you turn it over to the Lord, he'll work it out every time!
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