Thursday, March 23, 2006

Want some ribbon?? :)

This is a photo of the new ribbon I bought on sale at Hobby Lobby. Each roll was only $1 and there are 5 yards on EACH roll. :) So....I'm gonna give some fun Spring and Summer ribbon away! Leave me a comment down below and guess a number between 1-500. (I'm going to write it down on my dry erase board right now.) Whoever guesses the closest will win a bunch of fun ribbon! You'll get some of each ribbon shown, plus some other colors for Spring and Summer. :) (you've seen my ribbon stash...picture is a couple of posts down the page) Let's have TWO winners. So get to guessing! I'll post the winners in my next blog entry. Please leave your email address in the comment so I can contact you if you win!

I've been working on my guest designer layouts for A2Z Essentials! These are such FUN papers and ribbons...and so gorgeous. :) I also have some new projects for Homespun Harvest in the works. Been trying to get some real scrapping done this week before life gets super hectic next month.

I need to go finish dinner.....goodnight! :)


"Delays are not refusals; many a prayer is registered, and underneath it the words: "My time is not yet come." God has a set time as well as a set purpose, and He who orders the bounds of our habitation orders also the time of our deliverance. " - Anonymous


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!
I'm going to guess 323! Hope it is a lucky one! My email is

Anonymous said...

Love to win some ribbon! My guess is 333. 3 is my lucky number so 3 3's seems like a good enough number for me. And thanks for the yummy picture of Constantine on your blog.... can't get enough of him! Aloha, Bonnie

Bridget said...

Hi, Jennifer! My name is Bridget, and I am a ribbon-holic. I'm guessing 416 since my parents will celebrate their 40th wedding anniverary on April 16.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!
What fun! This should get all of us lurkers out of hiding, LOL!
I will guess 175! I love your blog (I love ribbon too!)and I check it daily for a breath of fresh air :)

Kelly said...

Have I told you that I check your blog at least once a day? Your posts make me smile and remind me about the importance of perspective. :-)

Thank you!


Oh... my guess is 214.

Kelly said...

... and I forgot my e-mail. (Dork.)


Kim said...

Hmmm. I am going to guess 268. I wish I had a Hobby Lobby! I love a great sale!

Anonymous said...

OK. Gotta get to Hobby Lobby...

My guess is 473.

Chris (

Shell said...

You're so awesome, Jen! GREAT ribbon! My guess is 444. :-)

Anonymous said...

How Fun!! My guess will be 209.

My email is


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,

It's me, Carrie. I would guess 409? Ha, Ha. (the deaf Carrie, I realize there are a few Carries on 2peas.):)

I LOVE your blog and even though I do not really leave comments, I read it everytime you update it. :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I will play. How about 323 since today is my dad's birthday!

Anonymous said...

I'll play, a gal can never have too much ribbon, LOL!! ;) My guess is 287! :)

Anonymous said...

ooops forgot to leave my e-mail addy, sorry! ;)

Callie Ann said...

I have been lurking around your blog for a few months now. I really enjoy reading it. Thanks for sharing.

My guess is 250....

Wish we had a hobby lobby in Oregon

Anonymous said...

OK Jen, I confess too! I've been reading your blog for a while now. You are such an inspiration! I'm gonna guess 13, my lucky number.

Anonymous said...

that ribbon is simply fab - we don't have HL where I live -

my guess is 376

Deborah said...

Hmmm, my favorite number is 22 so I'm going to say "222". Love your blog!


Anonymous said...

what a great idea.

My guess is 386

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!

Love those ribbons! I'll have to go to HL this weekend!

I love reading your blog always full of inspiration! My guess will have to be 4.


Benita said...

Wow Jen, how sweet of you! I'll be making a trip to HL tomorrow & can't wait! I just LOVE that store!

I'll guess 125 for Jim's birthday (January 25).


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen - great idea to make room for more ribbon :-) LOL
I LOVE your Blog never know what fun stuff you will yack about..

My guess is going to be 126

Anonymous said...


How exciting and cool to see all the fun stuff you have been putting on your blog. I want to guess 106. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I check in with you everyday. How nice of you to do a give away. I choose 313


Anonymous said...

Love the ribbon and I will guess 409

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess 50..... :)

Anonymous said...

My guess is 77....

Deanna- yep Dee-na said...

hey- i don't need any more ribbon but that is soooo cool.
i totally decided to start sorting and organizing my ribbon like u now. except i may put the floss cards on rings by color. hmmm... not sure yet. i now have more ribbon than i ever thought possible! lol
yay! can't wait to see your A2Z. cool!

Anonymous said...

hi jennifer
i can't resist a contest so i'll guess 19 (that was a good year!)
thanks for sharing your faith ....

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, you are just too fun! 474 would be my guess! Love your new ribbons! Great buy!


Peggy said...

Aren't you sweet!!! My guess is 306.

Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh oooh ooh please let me be close in my number of 375!!!! The ribbon is AWESOME!

justem said...

Well...first I was going to say 31 (important for some reasons) then I was going to say 333...they are both taken! So I will go out on a limb and say 271 :) Love that ribbon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!! My guess is: 313

Anonymous said...

Dang, I had several numbers picked out and BOTH are already taken! What are the odds.
I'll go with 260.
rene (

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to leave my guess was 50 and I'm Jen ( Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!

Cool contest! I read your blog all the time. Now you have found a way for me to come out of hiding! ;o) My guess is 266.


Anonymous said...

Oops...I forgot to say...Thanks Jen!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer! I love ribbon so I'll have to play. My guess is 444.

staceykingman said...

I guess 72 AND I'm going to Hobby Lobby.....

Anonymous said...

Fun contest Jen! What a way to lure all your stalkers out into the open. LOL

My guess is 4


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen -

Loving your Blog as always. You do beautiful LO's as well. We chatted once before on e-mails when I had a question about the crock pot chocolate recipe. You were so sweet to me.

What beautiful ribbons you posted today! Makes me want to make the 45 min ride to my nearest HL! Ha.

Thanks for the "contest" ! How fun.

I'll guess 135.
My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Ok, I was at Hobby Lobby today and didn't stop to see the ribbon. Ahhhhhhh! How about 235?

love your blog

Heather said...

I've been away, and am just now getting back to my blogs. Loving that ribbon! Now I gotta go shopping.